
“when asked what it’s like being a poet” in Whale Road Review & Nominated for a Pushcart

My poem “when asked what it’s like being a poet” is is based on one of my favorite poems to teach, “The Art of Disappearing” by Naomi Shihab Nye. It is published in the latest issue of Whale Road Review, and have been nominated for a Pushcart Prize!

Award (almost) announcements

Two close but no cigar announcements:


Selections from Selling the World (my ekphrastic manuscript in progress") was longlisted for the Kinsman Avenue Publishing African Diaspora Award. My poems Adoration of the Magi,” “Bust of Akhenaten,” “homegoing,” “The Moorish Chief,” & “Quilt” will all published in a forthcoming anthology.


The Third Renunciation was a finalist for the New England Poetry Club Sheila Margaret Motton Book Prize. This is the second time I’ve been a finalist for this prize.

"Invisible Man (Two Views)” - Alan Squire Publishing Annual Poetry Contest

My poem "Invisible Man (Two Views)” was shortlisted in Alan Squire Publishing Annual Poetry Contest and is now in ASP Bulliten’s latest issue.

Invisible Man, Glenn Ligon

This is a doubly ekphrastic poem, inspired by Glenn Ligon’s canvases (by the same name), who in turn took his inspiration from Ralph Ellison’s novel of the same name. Both Ligon and my work represents the opening paragraphs of Ellison’s work to great effect.

So I’m standing on the shoulders of giants. Black excellence.

Best Spiritual Literature anthology nomination

Presence Journal is nominating my poem [Say pity is not action, is not love] for possible inclusion in Orison Books' annual Best Spiritual Literature anthology!

This is a first for me and I’m honored.