Pushcart Nomination

“when asked what it’s like being a poet” in Whale Road Review & Nominated for a Pushcart

My poem “when asked what it’s like being a poet” is is based on one of my favorite poems to teach, “The Art of Disappearing” by Naomi Shihab Nye. It is published in the latest issue of Whale Road Review, and have been nominated for a Pushcart Prize!

Pushcart Nomination from Pangyrus Literary Mag

I’m happy to announce that my poem "what i learned during Black history month" by billy, age 8 (or 18) was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Pangyrus . You can read it below.

"some students give apples" Nominated for a Pushcart Prize

Confession time.

I was seeing writers I LOVE being nominated for Pushcarts and Best of the Nets all over the place, and feeling VERY PROUD/HAPPY for them, but also a little sad that it wasn’t me.

I also recognized feeling surprise that it wasn’t me, which was very unusual, until I realized that I’ve been nominated for a Pushcart or BoTN (or both) every year since 2018.

After some soul-searching and smacking of self, I remembered I’m not owed a damn thing. That I will lean into my joy for others. That I write for me, regardless of whether anyone else notices.

And then I got an email from Relief Journal saying my poem “some students give apples” was nominated for a Pushcart. All the above remains true, but the recognition is still nice.

Poem Nominated for a Pushcart Prize

I’m pleased to announce that Porcupine Literary nominated my poem “an open letter to the secretary who asked how i haven’t taken to drink or schedule 1 narcotics like so many of our colleagues” for the Pushcart Prize.

Maybe this is the time the powers that be will move me from a nominate to a recipient. But I’m honored nonetheless.