Though it May Look Like Disaster: Poetic Forms to Save Your Life - 2025 AWP Panel
6:20 PM18:20

Though it May Look Like Disaster: Poetic Forms to Save Your Life - 2025 AWP Panel

Though it May Look Like Disaster: Poetic Forms to Save Your Life (Marianne Kunkel, Melissa Fite Johnson, Faisal Mohyuddin, Ashley M. Jones, Matthew E. Henry)

Do poetic forms have life-saving properties? Five poets will discuss how meter, rhyme, syllable count and other constraints have been sources of constancy and control during personal and political upheaval: layoffs, death, addiction, religious trauma, racism and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They will examine the healing power of classic forms—sonnet, abecedarian and #ceasefire haiku—as well as remixed/invented forms, and share how forms can be a balm for a writer’s (or reader’s) heartbreak.

Location: Concourse Hall 151, Level One, Los Angeles Convention Center

Session Code: F227

3:20 PM - 4:35 PM PDT (6:20 - 7:35 EST)

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North Shore Young Writers' Conference
8:30 AM08:30

North Shore Young Writers' Conference

Experiment under the mentorship of accomplished writers. The conference will feature a combination of writing workshops and readings led by published mentors. This year we are pleased to offer mentorship by authors January O’Neil, Matthew Henry, and D. Eric Parkison. The workshop will culminate in a group reading of student work created during the day. Participants may experiment with different styles of creative writing, including poetry, fiction, and personal essay. Students will have an opportunity to work in small groups with each mentor over the course of the day.

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The Word at Workshop 13
2:30 PM14:30

The Word at Workshop 13

  • 13 Church Street Ware, MA, 01082 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Word is a monthly poetry open mic & reading series at Workshop13, a cultural arts & learning center in Ware, Massachusetts. We start with an engaging, compassionate open mic with a featured reader to follow right after. The event takes place in Workshop13’s Great Hall, a refurbished church and a beautiful space to read, listen, and be heard. BYOB. Free popcorn. This is an all ages event.

SIGN-UPS start at 2:30. Open mic starts promptly at 3pm, with our featured reader to follow after a short break.

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Pour Me A Poem Reading Series
7:00 PM19:00

Pour Me A Poem Reading Series

  • 51 Park Street Mansfield, MA, 02048 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I’ll be the featured reader at the Pour Me A Poem Reading Series. Open mic to follow.

See the information below about the reading

Poets Wayne-Daniel Berard and Sara Letourneau are hosting Pour Me a Poem on the second Thursday of each month at 51 Park Street (Wayne-Daniel's home) in Mansfield, MA, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. The next one will be on Thursday, August 8, 2

Please ensure you are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 before attending. Also, please make sure you park on the even-numbered side of the street, opposite from Wayne-Daniel's house.

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"Poetry as a Radical Act": Boston Book Festival Reading
11:00 AM11:00

"Poetry as a Radical Act": Boston Book Festival Reading

Poetry as a Radical Act

I have the honor of reading with Joan Kwon Glass, Jennifer Martelli, Kevin McLellan, and Anna V. Q. Ross, with Danielle Jones as part of the Boston Book Festival.

Audre Lorde said, “Poetry is not a luxury.” To think, write, and be fully engaged with the world around us in ways that matter is nothing less than a radical act of survival.

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Wild & Precious Life Series
7:30 PM19:30

Wild & Precious Life Series

I’ll be a featured reader in the Zoom-based Wild & Precious Life Series. I’ll be joining Kai Coggin and MT Vallarta on Thursday, September 26th, 2024.

The Wild & Precious Life Series launched on 4/1/20 as a response to the pandemic to create a virtual space for poets to share their work, poetry lovers to receive it, and spotlight poets with books being released during the pandemic.

The series has featured Diane Seuss, Marilyn Nelson, Dorianne Laux, Patricia Smith, Alicia Ostriker, Carolyn Forché, Denise Duhamel, Oliver de la Paz, Laure-Anne Bosselaar, Victoria Chang, Paisley Rekdal, Major Jackson, Victoria Redel, Ashley M Jones, Dan Beachy-Quick, Rachel Eliza Griffiths, Nin Andrews, Tina Chang, Tyree Daye, José Olivarez, Erika Meitner, Brynn Saito, Geffrey Davis, Mark Wunderlich, Julie Marie Wade, and many others. Click here for select recordings of WPLS readings.

“Doors” open at 7:15pm (EST).

All readings start at 7:30pm (EST).

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Weston Public Library Reading
6:30 PM18:30

Weston Public Library Reading

I will be returning to Weston Public Library to read from said the Frog to the scorpion . This time I will be joined by the wonderful Hannah Larrabee.

Hannah’s Wonder Tissue won the Airlie Press Poetry Prize and was shortlisted for a Massachusetts Book Award. Her chapbook, The Observable Universe, is out now from Lily Press. Hannah wrote poetry for the NASA James Webb Space Telescope program and read her work at Goddard Space Center. She participated in the Arctic Circle Artists Residency in 2022. Hannah received an MFA from the University of New Hampshire where she studied with Charles Simic and she is currently an editor at Nixes Mate Review

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