A dialogue-driven piece of creative nonfiction was published by Porcupine Literary.
“Theme & Variation” is ready for your eyes.
A dialogue-driven piece of creative nonfiction was published by Porcupine Literary.
“Theme & Variation” is ready for your eyes.
I don’t flex my academic accomplishments, but it’s relevant to understand where this poem comes from.
BA in English and Secondary Education (double major), with a minor in Philosophy
Master of Fine Arts in Poetry
Master of Theological Studies in Hebrew Bible and Theology and the Arts
PhD in Educational Leadership, dissertation focused on the history of how the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment are/aren’t taught to pre-service teachers and apply to public school settings
That said, I how could I not write a poem about the biblical nonsense happening in Oklahoma right now?
Be sure to check the footnotes at the bottom of the poem…
I don’t watch or read the news as much as I should. Probably because this is my mind goes when I do. That said, my poem “the Blue Envelope Program” was just published by The New Verse News
For those who want the footnotes I cut out of the poem:
I keep writing creative nonfiction and (for some reason) people publish it. “How to Tell a Pure Rage Story” pays homage to Tim O’Brien's “How to Tell a True War Story,” but is a tale all its own.
It's now published in Mayday Magazine.
In honor of Black History Month, Valentine’s Day, and the publication of my new collection, here is a five minute reading from said the Frog to the scorpion and one other poem.
Poems read in the video (the first four appear in said the Frog to the scorpion):
when asked what it’s like to love Her
at some point
I am working on a series of poems I am calling midrash qatan, or “a little story/exposition.” They are expositions, retellings, and reimagings of stories from the Hebrew Bible and Christian New Testament. The name pays homage to Rabbinic genre of Midrash Rabbah (“a great midrash”).
Two of these poems have just been published in Vita Poetica Journal:
“found” (a midrash qatan on Luke 15)
“subtlety: an assay” (a midrash qatan on Genesis 3)
Both pages include an audio recording of me reading these poems.
Demien DineYazhi’s My Ancestors Will Not Let Me Forget This, 2020. Letterpress Print
Terrain.org has published both "when asked what might finally lead me to drink or abuse schedule 1 narcotics" & "white History Month" as a part of their Letter to America series.
Both are accompanied by a “dramatic reading.” Click below to read/listen.
My creative nonfiction essay “Inscrutable” was nominated by Redivder for a Best of the Net Award.
This is my first time being nominated for my prose.
My poem “American Civics: 2056” was published in River Heron Review’s Poems, For Now issue.
This is an erasure poem from American Civics: A Text Book for High Schools, Normal Schools, and Academies (1906), employing the only mentions of Blacks (“Negroes” or “slaves”) in the whole textbook.
It’s pretty much what you would think and has implications for our collective future.
Redivider 20.1 | Cover art — Tea Queen by Aaron Norfolk
He knows the myth, but he is the model minority. The all-around A-student: attentive, astute, Asian. He’s good at math and science, but also garners excellent grades and respect in my sophomore honors English class. He’s soft spoken, but thoughtful. So as the others call out, he raises his hand and waits patiently. When I acknowledge that he will be next, he lowers it back to his desk, places the other over a delicate wrist. When he does speak, on an average Wednesday, I will swear in front of a class for the first time in twenty years of teaching.