Sometimes I Dabble in Prose
Flash and Fiction
Already Gone: Forty Stories of RUNNING AWAY, “It’s Exactly What You Think”
Dreginald, “The Appointment” {forthcoming}
The Fiction Pool, “The Whitening”
Miniskirt Magazine, “…and he did eat”
Pigeon Review, “Hunting Season”
Creative Nonfiction
After the art, “Perspective” (pushcart nominated, 2024)
ASP Bulletin, “Type Casting”
Barren Magazine, “‘Between the woods and frozen lake’”
CARD tALKS (A Game for Good Christians), “God Planning Your Pain to Make A Point”
Emerge Literary Journal, “Questions They Ask”
How to Pack for Church Camp, “Holding Peace”
MayDay Magazine, “How to Tell a Pure Rage Story”
Nixes Mate review, “Explaining ‘the patron saint of suicide’”
Porcupine Literary,
“being present” (pushcart nominated & Best of the Net nominated, 2023)
“Close Contact”
“Theme & Variation”
Redivider, “Inscrutable” (Best of the Net nominated, 2023)
Workers Write! More Tales from the Classroom, “There are no Stupid Questions” (excerpt)
Zone 3, “Out of My Hands”