"when asked what I learned during the ‘community forum’ on the appropriateness of my poem" in Bending Genres.

My poem "when asked what I learned during the ‘community forum’ on the appropriateness of my poem" has been published in Issue 30 of Bending Genres.

It’s not a typical poem. It’s a bingo board: I was trying something new.

Note: You may wish to read “when asked how to avoid being seen as racist” for context.

Interview with My Bad Poetry Podcast

A podcast where I (painfully) discussed some of the very first poems I wrote in college. Heaven help us all.

You can read the poems discussed —"musing,” “she says it’s only in my head,” & “(at) fireworks on the 7th" — below.

As I mention in the podcast, there is a good chance that some people reading these are mentioned in the poems. Sorry about that.

the Colored page on the Kickstart Farmington blog

In his blog post “Art in the Roots, #6: Captains and Pilots,” Mitch Nobis reflects on how the political is always with us in all areas of life including, especially, education.

My poetry the Colored page is a part of those reflections.

More from the same good people

"compensation" Appears in Home: A Miracle Monocle Mirco-Anthology

I recently started a new series, something that might turn into a chapbook one day. A series of midrash qatan, or “little midrash” on stories, real and imagined, from the Torah. But, of course, midrash qatan is not a thing. I made it up. It stands in contrast with Midrash Rabbah (“great midrash”) which is a thing.

Regardless, I am glad that the first of these poems— “compensation: midrash qatan on Genesis 4:25-32” has found a home in Miracle Monocle’s mirco-anthology, Home. You can read it below. You might want to read the relevant Bible verses in advance.

And no, the title does not contain a typo.

Pushcart Nomination from Pangyrus Literary Mag

I’m happy to announce that my poem "what i learned during Black history month" by billy, age 8 (or 18) was nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Pangyrus . You can read it below.

Collections forthcoming in 2023

I’ve been reminded how terrible I am at sharing news. So here’s an attempt to rectify that.

I have two collections forthcoming in 2023

The Third Renunciation - a full length collection from New York Quarterly Books (Spring 2023)


said the Frog to the scorpion - a chapbook from Harbor Editions (Winter 2023)!

More info to come about both in the coming months.