Dust and Ashes

Fevers of the Mind Poetry Showcase

As a few people are aware, one of the projects I'm currently working (yes, I said “one of…"“) is a collection of ekphrastic poems: I’m expanding Dust & Ashes into a full-length collection.

To that end, I've spent a good part of the summer visiting a bunch of art museums in three different states (so far) to balance the literary art responses with some visual art. Some fruits of that labor were published today in Fevers of the Mind. Here is the link to the poems:

Dust and Ashes - Chapbook Accepted for Publication by Californios


My chapbook Dust and Ashes was officially accepted for publication by Californios Press and is scheduled to be released this Fall.

This collection is a series of responses to a variety of visual and literary art, using the Jewish Torah and Christian New Testament as a (rough) backdrop.

I figured I should put my Masters of Arts in Theological Studies (concentration: Hebrew Bible and theology and the arts) to good use this time around.

More information to follow.