Submission guidelines:
We're looking for writing that has something honest to say. Something that releases the WEIGHT/WAIT. That's it. No topic is off-limits. This is not about being "school appropriate."
We are always accepting new submissions from 9-12 grade students (homeschoolers are welcome).
We are publishing on a rolling basis (as we read, review, and accept new material, goes up).
Please submit works not previously published elsewhere (your personal website/blog/social media do NOT count).
Please include a short bio (100 words max) about yourself, including things like where you are, what you do, any past publications, hope and dreams, glass half full/empty.
Poetry: 1-3 poems, up to 6 pages of poetry
Flash Fiction: 1-2 pieces, up to 500 words each
Short Fiction: 1 piece at a time, max 2000 words
Creative Nonfiction: 1 piece at a time, max 2000 words
Something you can’t even classify: 1 piece 1 at a time, max 2000 words
Email your submissions as a doc., docx., or pdf. attachment (not in the body of an email) to